Wills and Bequests

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Dog with towel over head

Leave a Legacy

Provide a gift that will help transform programs, services and save even more companion animal lives; include Friends of Front Street Shelter in your estate plan! What you put in your will is what people will remember you by. Your will gives you the opportunity to transfer the values that are important to you. One of the best ways to leave a legacy like this is to make charitable bequests in your will.

  • You can designate the funds by a fixed dollar amount or a percentage of the estate.
  • You can create a trust, which would pay an income to the individual (spouse, relative) for life, with the remaining principal to be given to Friends of Front Street.
  • A gift without restrictions is usually the most useful because it allows the organization to apply the funds to our most pressing needs. However, you also have the right to restrict your gift by specifying in your will how the funds are to be used. It is recommended that you speak with a board member of Friends of Front Street before designating to a specific program to make sure the conditions are ones we will be able to meet.

Leave a Bequest

To leave a Bequest to the Friends of Front Street Shelter in your will, you will need the following information:

Legal Name: Friends of Front Street Shelter

Tax ID# 68-0477042
Bequest Language:

“I give to the Friends of Front Street Shelter, a corporation with its principal address at PO Box 22214, Sacramento, CA 95822-0214 the sum of __________dollars) or all or _______ percent of my residual estate) upon my death to the Friends of Front Street Shelter for general animal care and life-saving purposes.”


Planned Gift Options

Did you know that you could include Friends of Front Street Shelter in your will without incurring the expense of redoing your estate-planning documents? Just include Friends of Front Street Shelter as a beneficiary by writing a codicil to your will or doing an amendment to your trust.

Becoming a member of the Legacy Society by including Friends of Front Street in your estate plans.

Examples of types of planned gift options include:

  • Bequest: remember Friends of Front Street Shelter in your will or living trust.
  • Charitable Trust: Create income for yourself and transfer assets to use later, or specify a time period to give income to Friends of Front Street Shelter, after which the assets are given back to your family. There are numerous ways to provide a deferred gift to the Shelter through several types of charitable trusts and gift annuities. You can also donate your home to Friends of Front Street Shelter and retain use of the home for your lifetime
  • Retirement plans: name Friends of Front Street Shelter as a full or partial beneficiary of your retirement plan.
  • Life Insurance: Transfer ownership of a policy or make Friends of Front Street Shelter a beneficiary.

* Membership is voluntary and without obligation. It is our way of recognizing your remarkable commitment to the Front Street Animal Shelter.

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